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  • 年份:2024年
  • 类型:模拟试题
  • 总分:100.00分
  • 时长:180分钟
  • 题量:48
  • 做题人数:0人
Section Ⅰ、Use of English(Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and markA,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
  • For years, thought leaders like Sheryl Sandberg have been offering remedies for the "work-life balance dilemma," most aimed 1______at women. Some experts told women to lean in, 2______others advised stepping back. A few even maintained that the only way forward was to return to "ultra-traditional" gender roles. What all these strategies have in common is the 3______that the conflict between work and family can be solved by changing our institutions and relationships.
    But 4______there is no solution? More than a century ago, the kibbutz movement made a dramatic attempt to 5______work-family conflict once and for all. In these small communal settlements, children didn’t live with their parents 6______spent most of their time in "children’s houses," 7______they ate meals, attended school and even slept. The idea was to free mothers and fathers from the burdens of caregiving, giving them the opportunity to 8______fully in the work of the kibbutz.
    Yet even when work-life conflicts appeared to have been solved, mothers weren’t 9______with the arrangement. A study 10______on in-depth interviews with 123 mothers from 13 kibbutzim, found that nearly all the mothers believed their children were happy in the children’s houses; 11______they still wanted more contact with their offspring than kibbutz life 12______In the end, mothers drove the kibbutzim to 13______communal child-rearing arrangements.
    The 14______of all our attempts to end work-family conflict suggests that we need to stop thinking of it as a problem to be solved, and 15______understanding it as a tragedy in the ancient Greek sense—a conflict between two competing goods. In our careers, we are 16______beings, honing our talents and earning financial rewards; as members of a family, we prioritize our connection to those we love.
    17______of these identities can be given up without a cost. We wouldn’t want to "solve" our desire to care for our children, or lose our motivation to work.18______lamenting the difficulty of balancing the two endeavors, then, we can try to appreciate the productivity that results from forces in 19______.Having conflicting obligations and playing different roles is 20______for physical and emotional health, forcing us to engage in activities that are good for us, such as physical activity and social engagement.


Section Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension PartA(Read the following four texts.Answer the questions after each text by choosingA,B C or D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)
  • Tenants who don’t pay the rent are a bane of landlords everywhere.And landlords who use heavy tactics to enforce payment are similarly a bane of tenants.Nor are these problems confined to human beings.Property-owning cichlid fish seem as ruthless about receiving what they are owed as any 19th-century tenement holder in the Lower East Side of New York.
    The fish in question, Neolamprologus pulcher, inhabit Lake Tanganyika in east Africa.They are cooperative breeders,meaning that dominant individuals do the breeding and subordinates assist in various ways, in exchange for immediate survival-enhancing benefits that may lead to the ultimate prize of becoming dominant themselves.In the case of N.pulcher the main benefit is having somewhere to live.Dwellings, in the form of shelters dug out from sand under rocks, are controlled by dominant pairs.These dominants permit subordinates to share their accommodation, and those subordinates pay for the privilege by keeping the property in good repair and defending the dominants’ eggs and fry against predators.
    Though cooperative breeding by vertebrates has evolved several times, the question of how rental payments are enforced has never been definitively settled.The presumption is that dominants punish subordinate defaulters.But it is hard to prove ,by observing wild animals, that this is what is happening.
    What was needed to clear the point up was an experiment.JanNaef and Michael Tabor sky of the University of Bern, in Switzerland, therefore acquired 96 specimens of N.pulcher and created menages ofa pair of dominant landlords and a subordinate tenant in sand-bottomed aquaria.
    Left alone, the fish behaved much as they would have done in the wild, with the tenant doing the grunt work of maintaining the hollows in the sand, and good relations pertaining between all.However,if a tenant was prevented for a time from fulfilling its duties, by trapping it behind a partition inserted into the aquarium for that purpose, things changed.When the partition was removed, the landlords attacked it, and it showed a big increase in submissive behaviour for several minutes before things returned to normal.
    Whether similar treatment would be meted out for a failure to defend the landlords’ eggs has yet to be determined.When prevented by a partition from driving away predators, tenants were not subsequently on the receiving end of aggression from landlords—but since there were no eggs to defend at the time, that may not have been part of the contract.The predators in question are not a threat to adult specimens of N.pulcher, only to eggs and fry.It is nevertheless clear from Dr Naef’s and Dr Taborsky’s experiment that, for cichlids at least, the rent must be paid in a timely fashion, or punishment will be faced.


Section Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension PartB(Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the most suitable subheading from the list A-G for each of the numbered paragraphs (41-45).There are two extra subheadings which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 point)
  • I taught my first class at Columbia University’s Master of Fine Arts program this month, and I initially felt a little intimidated by the school’s dignified campus.That, and regretful.I enjoyed going to college at the University of Michigan, but my secret humiliation is:I was the type of mediocre student I now disdain.Here’s what I wish I’d known and done differently:
    As a student, I saw myself as anti-establishment, and I hated tests;I barely maintained a B average.I thought only boring people spent weekends in the library studying.Recently I learned that my niece Dara, a sophomore at New York University with a 3.7 grade-point average, was offered a week of travel in Buenos Aires as part of her honors seminar.I was envious to learn that a 3.5 grade-point average or higher at many schools qualifies you for free trips, scholarships, grants,awards, and private parties.Students certainly don’t need to strive obsessively for perfection, but I should have prioritized grades, not guys.
    If a class was boring or it snowed, I’d skip.My reason was that nobody in the 300-person lecture hall would notice and I could get notes later.Attendance barely counted.When I went, I’d sit quietly in back.Yet as a teacher, I see that the students who come weekly, sit in front,and ask and answer questions get higher grades and frankly, favorable treatment.I reward those who try harder with recommendations, references, professional contacts and encouragement.
    In graduate school, I went to the readings of a professor I admired.Eventually, I’d go to his office just to chat.Once, after I complained about a dead-end job, he recommended me for a position at The New Yorker, jump-starting my career.
    But it’s not just your professors who will help your life track.Several classmates of mine from graduate school wound up working as editors at other publications, and they have since hired me for freelance work.Years later, I’ve helped students and colleagues where I teach, at the New School and New York University, land jobs, get published and meet with editors and agents.
    I answer all emails, and while I may not accept all friend requests, I respond to students who follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. More important, social media is where I post about panels, job openings and freelance work. Checking out students’ social media posts also allows me to see new sides of their personalities.Several students have developed book projects from their blogs and Instagram pages, and I promote their work, charities and events on my own social media posts.You never know if the college president or your professor might retweet or repost your work.
    Drinking and smoking eased my social anxiety and seemed like fun.Until I couldn’t stop.Getting clean smoke-free-alcohol-free—led to a huge upturn in my life.Instead of partying,I’d do movie nights, dancing, yoga and readings with friends and dates.I was surprised to see that my work greatly improved, as did my relationships.

    A.Class connections can launch your career

    B.Professors are people, too

    C.A’s are cool and come with extra benefits

    D.Show up and speak up

    E.You’re not stuck

    F.Find your professors on social media

    G.You can socialize better sober


Section Ⅲ、Translation(Translate the following text into Chinese.Write your Translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)
  • Anyone who’s ever been with a baby can tell you:if they’re upset about something, they will let you know.Scientists have been aware of this behavior, but what they did not know, until now, is that if babies see someone else being treated unfairly, they expect the leader in that situation to step in and do something about it.Renee Baillargeon is a psychologist at the University of Illinois.Baillargeon says it seems babies are born with these expectations of what a leader is and how they should behave.Alan Fiske studies human relationships at the University of California, Los Angeles.He says many people underestimate what babies are capable of understanding and figuring out about the world, since they’re just barely learning how to walk and talk.It shows that they expect a leader to not just use power for his or her own self-interest but to use their authority to regulate the morality of their followers.


Section Ⅳ、Writing PartA( You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points)
  • Directions:
    Suppose you are an employee working at the customer services department of a travel agency.You have received a complaint concerning the services from Mrs.Smith.Please write an email back to
    1 )apologize for the possible inconvenience,
    2) ensure that the complaint will be investigated, and
    3) express goodwill.
    You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
    Do not sign your own name.Use"Li Ming" instead.
    Do not write the address.(10 points)


Section Ⅳ、Writing PartB( You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15points)
  • Directions:
    Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should
    1) interpret the chart, and
    2) give your comments.
    You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)


