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  • 年份:2024年
  • 类型:模拟试题
  • 总分:100.00分
  • 时长:180分钟
  • 题量:48
  • 做题人数:2人
Section Ⅰ、Use of English(Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and markA,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
  • Around the world, coronavirus lockdowns have driven professional and social life out of the physical world and into the virtual realm. 1______self-isolation means no longer seeing friends and colleagues in person, it has opened a sudden and alarming window on their private, domestic selves.Many readers, videoconferencing for 2______every day, will find themselves unexpectedly familiar 3______other people’s kitchen layouts, wall decorations and interior design— 4______, that is, on how they position their devices.
    For those unused to working from home, the sudden disappearance of boundaries between domestic and 5______life can be trying.But what about the lack of boundaries between other people’s homes and your own? Letting 6______of colleagues and acquaintances peer into your life can be unsettling, 7______it has one advantage:it opens up new 8______for superiority.
    Electronics should, by and large, be invisible, 9______there is an inverse relationship between social status and size of televisions.High-end audio gear or home-cinema equipment,however, is 10______in the background, suggesting as it does a superior, arty approach to 11______; steering the conversation towards the merits of valve amplifiers or the "texture" of a director’s work will let you 12______its presence in your house.Showy sports equipment can be borrowed from friends and just13______in a corner,implying plenty of expensive entertainments that are awaiting you 14______the lockdown is over.
    What of the 15______that the sudden appearance of screaming, chocolate-covered children will undermine the impression of domestic perfection? Best if you can to hide them away in another room or dress them smartly and 16______them to serve you with trays of tea and biscuits, as appropriate.Either approach will 17______the desired impression of domestic order and respect, to contrast pleasingly with the yells and curses to be heard in the background of your friends’ and colleagues’ homes.
    Humanity is now coming together to 18______a common enemy.In these dark times, it is essential to 19______some of the pillars of normal life—20______showing that you’re doing better than everybody else.


Section Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension PartA(Read the following four texts.Answer the questions after each text by choosingA,B C or D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)
  • Since the beginning of the Great Recession in 2007, the history major has lost significant market share in academia,declining from 2.2% of all undergraduate degrees to 1.7%.The drop is most pronounced at large research universities and prestigious liberal arts colleges.
    This is unfortunate—not just for those colleges, but for our economy and society.
    of course it’s not just history.Students also are slighting other humanities disciplines including philosophy,literature, linguistics and languages.Overall, the core humanities disciplines constituted only 6.1% of all bachelor’s degrees awarded in 2014, the lowest since 1948.
    Conventional wisdom offers its usual simplistic answers for these trends: Students choose fields more likely to yield high-paying employment right after graduation—something "useful", like business, or technology-oriented.History looks like a bad bet.
    Politicians both draw on those simplicities and perpetuate them.Governors oppose public spending on "useless" college majors.History, like its humanistic peers, might prepare our young people to be citizens, but it supposedly does not prepare workers—at least not well paid ones.
    Over the long run, however, graduates in history and other humanities disciplines do well financially.Rubio would be surprised to learn that after 15 years, those philosophy majors have more lucrative careers than college graduates with business degrees.History majors’ mid-career salaries are on par with those holding business bachelor’s degrees.
    Labor markets are now unstable and unpredictable.In this environment—especially given the expectation of career changes—the most useful degrees are those that can open multiple doors, and those that prepare one to learn rather than do some specific thing.
    All liberal arts degrees demand that kind of learning, as well as the virtues of critical thinking and clear communication skills.History students, in particular, sift through substantial amounts of information, organize it, and make sense of it.In the process they learn how to infer what drives and motivates human behavior from elections to social movements to board rooms.
    Employers interested in recruiting future managers should understand that historical thinking prepares one for leadership because history is about change—envisioning it, planning for it, making it last.
    Everything has a history.To think historically is to recognize that all problems, all situations, all institutions exist in contexts that must be understood before informed decisions can be made.No entity—corporate, government, nonprofit—can afford not to have a historian at the table.We need more history majors, not fewer.


Section Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension PartB(Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the most suitable subheading from the list A-G for each of the numbered paragraphs (41-45).There are two extra subheadings which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 point)
  • Here is my contradiction to the worst advice:my counter-advice.
    Actually, don’t.A huge part of life comes down to acting.You change your accent as you move up socially.You pretend confidence when you feel none.Once you make it, you do the inverse: pretend shyness and self-doubt to avoid upsetting people.None of this makes you "inauthentic".Or if it does, then authenticity does not warrant the overstatement that has grownup around it.Lying is corrosive.But a certain amount of hiding is hard to avoid.
    This is a good way of preventing insecurity.It is also a good way of underachieving.Competition is a spur to performance.Even people who are not work-focused engage in competitive parenting or competitive socializing.And if you try to avoid invidious comparisons, your brain will resist.The research on "inequality aversion" suggests that people think in relative rather than absolute terms.We would rather have less overall if it means that our neighbors do not have comparatively more."It is not enough to succeed," said Gore Vidal, my life coach, my Deepak Chopra."Others must fail."
    This is wrong on two counts.First, many passions are hard to monetize.This was true of music and novel-writing even before the straitened economics of those industries set in. Creative pursuits favor downwardly mobile rich kids, hence the oversupply of contemporary fiction by authors who "live in New Haven and Jakarta", starring characters who fly a lot and feel a bit sad.
    Second, if you do make a career out of your passion,some of the passion goes.Bar songwriting or filling that troublesome regista slot for Arsenal, there is nothing I would rather do than write columns for the FT.But because I do, it is a job.I don’t get to stroll over to the laptop when the ghost of inspiration possesses me.I have deadlines.Any activity, even Alba truffle-eating, becomes less fun once your ego and livelihood depend on it.
    Up to a point.But there is no linear relationship between effort and success.And while hard work never killed anyone, it has drained them of their happiness.I keep wanting to press this case through a set of self-help books (Lean Out, The Seven Habits of Highly Rested People, The Fierce Urgency of Tomorrow) but it seems like a lot of work.
    An old one, this, and it shows.Many asset classes have risen faster than incomes throughout your lives.It will take some heroic saving to buy the house you want.The modern world often disincentivizes you—all but mocks you—for thrift.
    The memories you acquire in your twenties will sustain you later.Make sure those memories are of something better than contribution to your retirement savings.Reduce costs in your thirties, if you must, or just marry into money.Economists will be angry.But they undervalue what they cannot quantify, and they cannot quantify raw human pleasure in the moment.The best things in life are not always free, even if this advice is.

    A.Work for your dream

    B.A penny saved is a penny earned

    C.Don’t compare yourself to others

    D.Be true to yourself

    E.Follow your passion

    F.Embrace competition in life

    G.Money is everything


Section Ⅲ、Translation(Translate the following text into Chinese.Write your Translation on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)
  • You refresh your social media home page over and over again after posting a status, because you can’t wait to see what your friends think about your witty observation. You can’t wait to see what your friends think, because you desperately want them to approve your actions. We’re all in this when it comes to seeking pleasure instantly. It’s our nature.
    Approval addiction is the demand for approval. Instant satisfaction is the desire for pleasure without delay. They are intimately connected. When approval addiction and instant satisfaction go together, it’ll be like wanting the pleasure of approval immediately and continuously. Getting instant pleasure may comfort us immediately, but we will be missing things that are actually better in the long-run.
    Remember, we don’t need to have everything we want right away. We need to learn to slow down and appreciate the wait. "Great things take time" is not just a saying, it does mean something. You have a whole lot more to enjoy in life than checking your social media home page. And there’s a lot of good stuff about yourself than just those "likes" from social media.


Section Ⅳ、Writing PartA( You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points)
  • Directions:
    Suppose you are applying for a graduate position in Harvard University and you are required to submit are commendation letter, which should be written by your current professor Mr.Wu.Write a letter to your professor to
    1 ) introduce your situation, and
    2) ask if he can help you to write the recommendation letter.
    You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
    Do not use your own name.Use"Li Ming" instead.
    Do not write the address.(10 points)


Section Ⅳ、Writing PartB( You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15points)
  • Directions:
    Study the following chart carefully and write an essay to
    1 ) describe the chart,
    2) state you attitude toward the event, and
    3 ) suggest counter-measures.
    You should write about 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.( 15 points)


