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  • 年份:2024年
  • 类型:模拟试题
  • 总分:100.00分
  • 时长:180分钟
  • 题量:48
  • 做题人数:0人
Section Ⅰ、Use of English(Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and markA,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
  • Many look to AI-powered tools to address the need to scale high-quality education and with good reason. A 1______in educational content from online courses and the contemporary renaissance in AI seem to provide the conditions 2______to deliver personalized learning at scale. However, technology has a poor track record for 3______social issues without creating unintended harm. What negative effects can we 4______, and how can we refine the objectives of AI researchers to account for such unintended consequences?
    For decades the holy grail of AI for education has been the creation of an autonomous tutor: an algorithm that can monitor students’ progress, 5______what they know and what motivates them, and provide an optimal, 6______learning experience. With 7______to an autonomous tutor, students can learn from home, anywhere in the world. 8______, autonomous tutors of 2020 look quite different from this ideal. Education with auto-tutors usually 9______students with problems designed to be easy for the algorithm to interpret—as 10______to joyful for the learner.
    Current algorithms can’t read motivation, and are far from engendering 11______learning gains, instead focusing on engaging students for the short term. The technical challenges are 12______: building the ideal auto-tutor could be as 13______as reaching true general AI. The research community has seen this as a challenge: we simply need to 14______our technical shortcomings to achieve the utopian dream.
    15______ is the auto-tutor utopia a dream worth building toward? We offer some dangers that 16______use of artificially intelligent systems such as auto-tutors and call for research into 17______that harness the potential good from application of AI in education, 18______mitigating the risks. We believe our 19______of thoughtfully developed AI systems working in tandem with naturally intelligent humans can 20______a broad community of learners around the world.


Section Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension PartA(Read the following four texts.Answer the questions after each text by choosingA,B C or D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)
  • The ornate marble chamber in which the Supreme Court hears cases accommodates about 400 spectators.Among these are reporters, guests of the justices and members of the Supreme Court Bar—lawyers who may never argue a case before the justices but who retain privileges at the court.Once all those take their seats, The Post’s Robert Barnes reports, sometimes fewer than 100 spaces remain.The result:long, long lines for members of the public hoping to hear a major case argued or decided.
    The court tried to make things a little fairer last week, informing lawyers that they would have to line up personally to get into their special section, instead of hiring line-standers to wait for them.But the odds will still be stacked against the public.Ordinary people should have a front-row seat to the proceedings in one of the most powerful public institutions in the country—even if it’s a virtual seat. It’s time for the court to end its ban on cameras in the courtroom.
    Transcripts of oral arguments often post hours after they occur.Audio usually isn’t available until the end of the week.Those who don’t get in must rely on snippets from Twitter and other second-hand accounts for information on court arguments or decisions, depriving them of context to understand the justices’ words.
    The presence of live audio and video would solve these problems, and more.It would be a potent tool to sharpen public interest in legal issues and the court’s role in resolving them.The court is financed by the public and works on its behalf.Unless there is some major national interest in keeping proceedings cloaked,the default position should be public access.
    Critics of cameras worry about turning the court into a circus.Lawyers might grandstand,playing to television audiences rather than keeping their eyes on the substance.Justices might water down their questions and comments,replacing clarity and sophistication with oversimplification.The public might pay more attention to the personalities on the court than the substance of the law.
    Any of the lucky few who have seen the justices in action should realize that these risks are small.The justices can be counted on to interrupt lawyers on a near-constant basis, leaving little opportunity for grandstanding.The justices already attempt to use real-world language and analogies to simplify complex legal issues for reporters and the transcript-reading public.And decisions already are routinely scrutinized with reference to the personalities involved.
    Chief Justice John G.Roberts Jr.has not offered encouraging signals about reversing the court’s camera ban.We’d ask that he at least allow live audio as a first,experimental step.If that does not erode the capability of the court to function in a dignified manner, cameras could be the next step.


Section Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension PartB(Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the most suitable subheading from the list A-G for each of the numbered paragraphs (41-45).There are two extra subheadings which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 point)
  • Sad about that trip you had to cancel this summer? We share your disappointment, but we’re certain we will travel again. Just think of how much more you’ll appreciate exploring the world. In the meantime, here are 5 things you can do at home to prepare for your next travel adventure.
    Pen pals are not just for school kids. Meet like-minded people who live where you plan to travel. You’ll have friends when you arrive, maybe even an invitation to stay. Pen pal websites ensure security with secure logins and encrypted password storage. For traditionalists who value the art of letter writing, International Pen Friends charges $25 and up to match pals who put pen to paper by age, interests and hobbies.
    Remember that hotel where the Wi-Fi was free but it took forever to get online? A high-tech Wi-Fi Extender will solve that problem. If you find yourself with no Wi-Fi, you’ll need a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot device. Remember when using Google Maps all day killed your smart phone battery? There are plenty of new mobile smartphone chargers. And forget about carrying a bag full of electric plug adapters, one for each country. Get one of the new all-in-one international electric plug adapters. Because you’ll want to take lots of photos on your next trip, consider upgrading your selfie stick.
    Have you met people in your travels who run mom-and-pop restaurants and family-run hotels? What about the fabulous tour guides who proudly showed you the cities they call home? Now’s a good time to email them with your deepest thanks and best wishes. With their livelihood in peril, they will appreciate your kind thoughts. You also can purchase gift certificates for future meals at your favorite restaurants or donate to the Emergency Relief Fund set up by the Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation.
    Travel lovers keep a bucket list in their heads of places they dream of someday visiting.But "someday" has taken on a new meaning. Now’s the time to write down your bucket list. Then—and this may take a while—select destination No.1 . Now adjust. A trip to see the northern lights may be out of your price range, but you can also see them in Alaska, which is closer to home. And if you can’t afford to go to Egypt to see the pyramids, you can see lots of them in Mexico. Start planning your trip.
    It’s something you’ve been meaning to do since you got home; now you’ve got nothing but time. Sort through your travel photos, select the best and get creative. Turn them into a photo memory book with the help of websites such as Shutterfly, Snapfish and Mixbook. Upload as many as 1,000 photos, select from a mind-boggling variety of layouts, designs and embellishments, then arrange and rearrange until you get it right. If the zillions of choices make you crazy, one of their pros can design the book for you ($15.95 and up).

    A.Design a photo book.

    B.Show your gratitude.

    C.Make international friends.

    D.Carry a Wi-Fi hotspot device.

    E.Rethink your bucket list.

    F.Donate your money.

    G.Upgrade your tech gear.


Section Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension PartC(Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)
  • Before entering on the question of the relation of morality to our exiting social environment, it will be advisable to inquire what we mean by moral progress, and what evidence there is that any such progress has occurred in recent times, or even within the period of well-established history.
    (46) By morals we mean right conduct, not only in our immediate social relations, but also in our dealings with our fellow citizens and with the whole human race.It is based upon the possession of clear ideals as to what actions are right and what are wrong and the determination of our conduct by a constant reference to those ideals.
    (47) The beliefs was once prevalent, and is still held by many persons, that a knowledge of right and wrong is inherent or instinctive in everyone, and that the immoral person may be justly punished for such wrong doing as he commits.But that this cannot be wholly, if at all,true is shown by the fact that in different societies and at different periods the standard of right and wrong changes considerably.That which at one time and place is held to be right and proper is, at another time or place, considered to be not only wrong, but one of the greatest of crimes.
    We are obliged to conclude, therefore, that what is commonly termed morality is not wholly due to any inherent perception of what is right or wrong conduct, but that it is to some extent and often very largely a matter of convention, varying at different times and places in accordance with the degree and kind of social development which has been attained often under different conditions of existence.The actual morality of a community is largely a product of the environment, but it is local and temporary, not permanently affecting the character.
    (48) To bring together the evidence in support of this view, to distinguish between what is permanent and inherited and what is superficial and not inherited, and to trace out some of the consequences as regards what we term "morality" is the purpose of the present volume.
    Though much of what we term morality has no absolute sanction in human nature, yet it is to some extent, and perhaps very largely, based upon it.(49)It will be well, therefore, to consider briefly the nature and probable origin of what we term "character"—in individuals, in societies, and especially in those more ancient and more fundamental divisions of mankind which we term "races".
    Character may be defined as the integration of mental faculties and emotions which constitute personal or national individuality.It is very strongly inherited, yet it is probably subject to more inherent variation than is the form and structure of the body.(50) The combinations of its constituent elements are so numerous as, in common language, to be termed infinite; and this gives to each person a very distinct individuality, as manifested in speech, in emotional expression,and in action.


Section Ⅲ、Writing PartA(Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
  • Directions:
    Write an essay of 160——200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should
    1) describe the drawing briefly,
    2) explain its intended meaning, and then
    3) give your comments.
    You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)


Section Ⅲ、Writing PartB(Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
  • Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay you should
    1) describe the drawing briefly,
    2) explain its intended meaning, and
    3) give your comments.
    You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)


