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  • 年份:2024年
  • 类型:模拟试题
  • 总分:100.00分
  • 时长:180分钟
  • 题量:48
  • 做题人数:8人
Section Ⅰ、Use of English(Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and markA,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
  • Science has now proved humans can’t help talking about themselves. It just feels too good. In a new study, Harvard University researchers conducted a series of experiments to 1______how much people liked talking about themselves and why. In one study, they scanned people’s brains 2______those people either revealed personal information about themselves or 3______the opinions of others. In another experiment, researchers tested whether people preferred to answer questions about themselves, other people or 4______facts—participants got differing levels of monetary compensation 5______on the question they chose.
    No matter the test, the researchers found the results pointed the same way: humans get a biochemical excitement from 6______.
    That’s 7______we spend almost 40% of conversation talking about ourselves, says the study—our brain chemistry 8______us to do it. In the first experiment, researchers found that sharing personal information led to 9______in the reward areas of the brain—the same ones that are 10______in response to rewards like food. Talking about other people did not 11______the circuits as much. In the second experiment, people were willing to 12______17% of their earnings in order to answer questions about themselves. The researchers also noted that people 13______enjoyed self-disclosure if they knew other people were listening. When people were given a choice to share their responses with others or to keep them 14______, they sacrificed 25% of their potential earnings in order to 15______the personal information.
    Previously, humans’ 16______for talking about themselves was thought to be caused by a desire for 17______with others, a way to open up to people and get them to trust us 18______in hopes of setting the foundation for friendship. 19______this appears to be the first study to 20______that people talk about themselves mainly because they like the way it feels.


Section Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension PartA(Read the following four texts.Answer the questions after each text by choosingA,B C or D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)
  • It must feel good to be back on top—and this time, almost liked. Twenty years ago Microsoft was considered an evil empire, scheming for domination and involved in a fierce antitrust battle with America’s Justice Department. Five years ago, having dozed through the rise of social media and smartphones, it was derided as a doddery has-been. Now, after several quarters—this month it reported revenue of $33.7 bn, up by 12% year on year—Microsoft is once again the world’s most valuable listed company, worth over $1trn. How did Satya Nadella, the boss since 2014, pull off this comeback? And what can the other tech giants learn from Microsoft’s experience?
    First, be prepared to look beyond the golden goose. Microsoft missed social networks and smartphones because of its obsession with Windows, the operating system that was its main money-spinner. One of Mr. Nadella’s most important acts after taking the helm was to deprioritize Windows. More important, he also bet big on the "cloud"—just as firms started getting comfortable with renting computing power. In the past quarter revenues at Azure, Microsoft’s cloud division, grew by 68% year on year, and it now has nearly half the market share of Amazon Web Services, the industry leader.
    Second, work with regulators rather than try to outwit or overwhelm them. From the start Microsoft designed Azure in such a way that it could accommodate local data-protection laws. Its president and chief legal officer, Brad Smith, has been the source of many policy proposals, such as a "Digital Geneva Convention" to protect people from cyber-attacks by nation-states.He is also behind Microsoft’s comparatively cautious use of artificial intelligence, and calls for oversight of facial recognition. The firm has been relatively untouched by the current backlash against tech firms, and is less vulnerable to new regulation.
    True, missing the boat on social media means thorny matters such as content moderation pose greater difficulties for Facebook and Google. Still, others would do well to follow Microsoft’s lead. Apple has championed its customers’ privacy, but its treatment of competitors’ services in its app store may soon land it in antitrust trouble. Facebook and Google have started to recognize that with great power comes great responsibility, but each has yet to find its equivalent of Azure, a new business model beyond its original golden goose. Amazon, in its ambition and culture, most resembles the old Microsoft.
    Even a reformed monopolist demands scrutiny. It should not be forgotten that Microsoft got where it is today in part through rapacity. Critics argue that in its battle with Slack, a corporate-messaging service which competes with a Microsoft product, it is up to some of its old tricks. A growing number of women at the firm are complaining about sexual harassment and discrimination. The new Microsoft is far from perfect. But it has learned some lessons that other tech giants should heed.


Section Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension PartB(Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the most suitable subheading from the list A-G for each of the numbered paragraphs (41-45).There are two extra subheadings which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 point)
  • PHYSICAL ACTIVITY CAN help optimize the body’s defenses against infection. And in the age of novel coronavirus, to many people, that’s more important than ever. Taking the right approach to most effectively exercise in the name of immune health is key.
    The regularity of your exercise routine may be the most important factor in ensuring the immune benefits of activity, says Jim Beitzel, clinical athletic trainer and clinical coordinator for the Northwestern Medicine Athletic Training & Sports Performance Clinic in Warrenville, Illinois. For most adults, 60 minutes of exercise five days per week is the immunity sweet spot, he says. However, if you’re new to working out, start small with perhaps 10 or 20 minutes of low-to moderate-intensity exercise per day, and increase your activity level over the course of weeks or months as you feel comfortable. As long as you stay consistent, every little bit will help.
    A 2020 paper in Exercise Immunology Reviews confirms that increasing exercise intensity does not suppress immunity or increase the risk of infection. High-intensity exercise, generally considered to be anything that increases your heart rate to more than 85% of its max (220 minus your age), can be part of any exercise routine that’s aimed at improving you immune health, Beitzel says. Options include running, cycling and rowing sprints as well as fast-paced plyometric strength training.
    Instead, illness following high-intensity exercise is typically related to inadequate recovery, according to the authors of the Exercise Immunology Reviews paper. As exercise intensity, frequency and duration increase, so does the amount of rest your body needs to recover from the stressors of exercise and grow back stronger, explains exercise physiologist Mike T. Nelson, based in Minneapolis. What’s more, non-exercise-related stressors—such as financial worries, sleepless nights and existing illness—occur in large doses, so increasing your recovery efforts is important to recovering from exercise and reducing the risk of overstressing your systems, including your immune one, Nelson says.
    It’s OK to enjoy one style of training more than the other, but for optimal immunity (and overall health), integrate both into your weekly routine, Beitzel says. Federal guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend engaging in 75 to 150 minutes of aerobic activity (the lower the intensity, the more time advised) per week and total-body strengthening activities at least two days per week. Examples of aerobic activity include jogging, swimming and cycling. Strength training can include bodyweight exercises (such as squats and pushups) as well as exercises such as rows and shoulder presses that use free weights, resistance bands or other equipment.
    Whether you’re exercising in your living room or in a park, you can benefit your immune system. But there may be additional benefits of breaking a sweat outdoors. Being outside increases the body’s levels of immune-system-supporting vitamin D, according to Parikh. Plus, taking your exercise outdoors may strengthen the immune system by activating the body’s parasympathetic "rest and digest" system, according to 2015 research published in Frontiers in Psychology. This system works in opposition with your sympathetic "fight or flight" system to reduce physiological stress levels and lower inflammation that can inhibit healthy immunity.

    A.Make sure to recover.

    B.Focus on consistency.

    C.Enjoy one style of training.

    D.Don’t be afraid of intensity.

    E.Get outside.

    F.Optimize the body’s defenses.

    G.Do both cardio and strength training.


Section Ⅱ、Reading Comprehension PartC(Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)
  • Ludwig van Beethoven is widely considered to be one of the outstanding classical music figures of the western world.This German musical genius created numerous works that are firmly entrenched in the repertoire.Except for a weakness in composing vocal and operatic music,Beethoven had complete mastery of the art form.Many of his works are ingeniously imaginative and innovative, such as his 3rd Symphony, his 9th Violin Sonata and so on.
    It is difficult to sum up briefly what his musical works represent or symbolize, since taken together they include a vast system of thought.Generally,however, those who understand his music sense that it reflects their own personal longings and sufferings.(46) It egoistically, and always intelligently, "discusses" with its listener his or her feelings in the wake of personal failure and personal triumph, from the lowest depths of despair to the highest heights of happy or triumphant fulfillment.In his music, he represents the feelings felt by those attempting to achieve their goals within their societies, whether they are competing for love, status, money, power or any other things individuals feel naturally inclined to attempt to acquire.
    In a thematic sense, Beethoven does not promote anarchist ideas.(47) The listener cannot, in listening to Beethovens music,understand ideas which, if applied, would compromise the welfare of his society.The music is thus "civically responsible," as is the music of Bach or Mozart.For Beethoven, the society exists as a bulwark (堡垒)with which the individual must function in harmony, or at least not function such as to harm or destroy it.And, (48) should the society marginalize or hurt the individual,as it often does, the individual must, according to Beethoven,humbly accept this, never considering the alternative act of attempting to harm or destroy the society in the wake of his or her personal frustrations.But, thanks to Beethoven, such an individual is provided with the means to soothe his or her misery in the wake of feeling "hurt" at the hands of society.(49) The means is this music and the pleasure that it can provide to minds possessing the psycho-intellectual "wiring" needed to understand it.
    Some post-World-War- Ⅱ composers reject the music of Beethoven because of its predominant reliance on "beauty" as way of communicating idealized concepts.(50) Also, since the music intimately reflects the desires and thought-processes of the natural human mind, which in numerous ways is emotionally and intellectually irrational, the music may itself be consequently irrational.


Section Ⅲ、Writing PartA(Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
  • Directions:
    Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university, suggesting how to improve the dormitory’s conditions.
    You should include the details you think necessary.
    You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.
    Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use "Li Ming" instead.
    Do not write the address.(10 points)


Section Ⅲ、Writing PartB(Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
  • Directions:
    Write an essay of 160—200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay, you should
    1) describe the drawing briefly,
    2) explain its intended meaning, and then
    3) give your comments.
    You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)


