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当前位置: 首页 > 翻译三级口译 > 试卷列表 > 2024年翻译资格考试《三级口译综合能力》预习试卷(一)


  • 年份:2024年
  • 类型:模拟试题
  • 总分:100.00分
  • 时长:60分钟
  • 题量:37
  • 做题人数:0人
Part Ⅰ A(A.Listen to the following passage and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. After hearing a short passage, blacken the letter “A” on the ANSWER SHEET if you think the statement is true,or the letter “B” if you think it is false. There are 10 statements in this part of the test, 1 point for each statement. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this part.

  • 【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见

Part Ⅰ B(B.Listen to the following short statements and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each statement by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. There are 10 questions in this part of the test, 1 point for each question. You will hear each statement only once.
  • What does the speaker imply?()。

    A.Your food is special.

    B. Your food is nice.

    C. You are picky about food.

    D. You like some particular food.


Part II(Listen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question by blackening the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET You may need to scribble a few notes to answer the questions. There are 3 passages in this part, each with 5 questions. And each question carries 2 points. You will hear each passage only once. At the end of the recording of each passage, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions.

  • 【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见

Part III(Parts of the following text are missing. While listening to the tape, complete the passage by filling in each blank space with the correct word or words on the ANSWER SHEET. There are 20 blanks, each carrying 1 point. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 3 minutes to finish this part.
  • As always, I am pleased to be here at the National Press Club for my ______ (1) Speech. This is the seventh time I have had the ______ (2) to give this speech, and over the years I have talked about a wide range of issues:______ (3), reading, setting high expectations, improving the teaching profession, and ______ (4) the American high school—to name just a few.
    I have just returned from a five-day, ______ (5) tour of schools in rural America. We started in Monroe, Louisiana, and finished______ (6) later in Paducah, Kentucky. What I noticed most about the trip was the weather. Every time I ______ (7) my Success Express School Bus, the local people who came to greet me ______ (8) that the record for______ (9) had just been broken in their community. In each place, the temperature was always between______(10) degrees.
    Now, I have very good people on my staff. But the next time we plan a ______ (11), I’m going to have a ______ (12) on my staff. I took this bus trip through rural America to make an important point that the ______ (13) of children in our nation’s small towns cannot be ignored. Twenty-five percent of all our school children live in ______ (14) all over America.
    When it comes to our children, let’s always remember that children everywhere have______(15) and ______ (16). Yet, schools in small towns too often have to ______ (17) because of limited resources and a ______ (18). On my trip I put a strong focus on the issues that matter in rural America, with a particular emphasis on ______ (19) schools, reducing class size, and overcoming the ______(20).


Part IV(Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150 words of what you have heard on the ANSWER SHEET. This part of the test carries 30 points. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 25 minutes to finish this part. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary.
  • Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150 words of what you have heard on the ANSWER SHEET. This part of the test carries 30 points. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 25 minutes to finish this part. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary.


