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当前位置: 首页 > 翻译三级口译 > 试卷列表 > 2023年翻译资格考试《三级口译实务》冲刺试卷(三)


  • 年份:2022年
  • 类型:临考冲刺
  • 总分:100.00分
  • 时长:90分钟
  • 题量:3
  • 做题人数:0人
Part Ⅰ (英汉互译 对话)(约150~200字词;时间10(分钟)
  • 小王:请问我能坐这儿吗?
    Peter:Sure. Please sit down.
    Peter:Yes, I am from New York, but I’m working in a consulting company in Beijing. I am on vacation now. I have never been in Malaysia before. Have you?
    Peter:Very interesting! I am one, too! I love traveling very much! I will hit the road when I find time. China is a great place to travel around. I have been to almost all the famous cities and other places of interest.
    Peter:Right. When I travel around in the world, I see more and more Chinese people taking their vacations. I heard several months ago that Chinese people could go to European countries for traveling and eight African countries had also become your tourists’ destinations.
    Peter:You will. Absolutely.


Part Ⅱ (英汉交替传译)(约300字词的英语讲话一篇;时间10(分钟)
  • Good morning. It’s wonderful to be here at Tsinghua University. Thank you so much for coming out to say hello to me. I just want to say a couple of things by way of opening and then you can ask me questions.
    UK is now the No.1 destination for overseas students from China. We got double the number of Chinese students as the United States of America. And that is a measure of how much collaboration now is between universities like Tsinghua and universities in Britain.
    The thing that surprised me most being back in Beijing is just the amount of change in China. And I think for the future the relationship between my country, the UK, and China is going to be very important. In the next couple of decades, you will become the greatest economy in the world 1.3 billion people! How you develop both economically and politically as a country is going to have a colossal impact on the whole of the world. We need to make sure that countries like mine in the Europe, countries like the U.S., and countries like China are working closely together. So we’ve got so much work that we can do together.
    You students here are the future of China. The decisions you take, and the way that you take them, is going to impact the whole of the world. You will be the leaders of this country in the years to come, and how you lead, and the values with which you lead, will make a difference even in my own country to the citizens there. That’s all I want to say by way of opening. Now let’s have your questions.


Part Ⅲ (汉英交替传译)(约200字词的汉语讲话一篇;时间10(分钟)
  • 下面你将听到的是一段有关武夷山的讲话。


