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当前位置: 首页 > 翻译三级口译 > 试卷列表 > 2023年翻译资格考试《三级口译实务》模拟试卷(二)


  • 年份:2022年
  • 类型:模拟试题
  • 总分:100.00分
  • 时长:90分钟
  • 题量:3
  • 做题人数:1人
Part Ⅰ (英汉互译 对话)(约150~200字词;时间10(分钟)
  • Reporter:Hi, Mr. Huang, I have heard that you have walked 4,300 km across China. What do you think of leaving your job in the first place?
    Reporter:In February 2008, your club started the Beijing-Tibet hike, setting out at Tian’an Men Square. How many people did you have in your team?
    Reporter:They didn’t even take a step yet. It must have put a lot of pressure on you.
    Reporter:Not all of those who set off from Beijing finished in Tibet, and the group picked up hikers along the way. You must have a lot of stories to tell, right?
    Reporter:You must be strict about maintaining a good pace and a tight schedule. How fax did you go every day?
    Reporter:You arrived at Tibet in August. What is the best part of your trip?
    Reporter:Well, I know there are more places for you to go. Good luck.


Part Ⅱ (英汉交替传译)(约300字词的英语讲话一篇;时间10(分钟)
  • The Scottish seafood industry is a thriving business employing 15,000 people and with a long, proud heritage and tradition. It is constantly developing and adapting to face the challenges and meet the demand of the market.
    The present-day industry has a fleet of modem vessels and processing factories which are investing heavily in innovative technology and improved handling techniques to ensure the Scottish seafood on your plate is second to none in terms of quality. Over 60 different species are landed around Scotland’s 4,000 kilometers of beautiful clean coastline, with landings of more than 400,000 tons each year, making Scotland one of the largest seafood producers in Europe.
    Scotland also has a flourishing aquaculture sector producing a wealth of top quality salmon and shellfish from the sheltered sea and freshwater lochs of the remote areas in the Highlands and Islands. The Scottish seafood is the result of tradition and innovation, best practice and a lot of hard work. It’s a quality product that is enjoyed not only across the UK but all around the world, and we are keen to produce for the discerning Chinese consumer.
    The aim of this mission is to introduce Scottish seafood companies to Chinese buyers, agents and officials, and to foster new working relationships and develop potential business opportunities with you.
    Led by Seafood Scotland and Scottish Development International, agencies that work with the Scottish seafood industry to help them increase their profitability and competitiveness, we want to use today as an opportunity to start this process.


Part Ⅲ (汉英交替传译)(约200字词的汉语讲话一篇;时间10(分钟)
  • 20年前,中国被称为“自行车王国”,北京遍地都是骑车人。而如今,街上挤满了机动车,骑车人被挤得无路可走。


