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当前位置: 首页 > 翻译三级笔译 > 试卷列表 > 2024年翻译资格考试《三级笔译实务》预习试卷(二)


  • 年份:2024年
  • 类型:模拟试题
  • 总分:100.00分
  • 时长:180分钟
  • 题量:2
  • 做题人数:0人
Section 1 English-Chinese Translation(Translate the following passage into Chinese.
  • The Kingdom of Denmark
    The smallest and most southern of the Scandinavian countries, Denmark offers an interesting mix of lively cities and rural countryside, Ancient castles, ring forts, jazz festivals, the sleekest modem design you’ll ever see and the people who invented Lego-who could ask for more?
    Danish Vikings once took to the seas and ravaged half of Europe, but these days they’ve forged a society that stands as a benchmark of civilization, with progressive policies, widespread tolerance and a liberal social-welfare system.
    Copenhagen has been Denmark’s capital for 600 years and is the largest city in Scandinavia. It’s an appealing and largely low-rise city comprised of block after block of period six-storey buildings. Church steeples punctuate the skyline, with only a couple of modem hotels marring the view.
    No matter what your interests, Copenhagen has a whole lot of sightseeing and entertained on offer. Historic or modem, sleek shops or cozy cafes-it’s all-nestled fight in the heart of a compact city and presented with typical Scandinavian assurance and flair.
    Hans Christian Andersen wrote a fairly tale about her; Disney produced the movie; and Copenhagen maintains a statue in her honor, which continues to be the largest tourist attraction in Denmark and the most photographed statue in the world.
    New York has the Statue of Liberty, Pads has its Eiffel Tower and Copenhagen has this pretty, charming maiden who stars dreamily out across the water, just as her Danish countrymen have done for thousands of years. The Little Mermaid is just small enough and close enough to the water to be an excellent symbol of Copenhagen and Denmark. The sculpture stands 165 centimeters tall and weighs 175 kilograms. The original one, cast in bronze, was presented to the City of Copenhagen on August 23, 1913 by Carl Jacobsen.
    The Nationalmuseet (National Museum) is a mustsee for anyone who wants a comprehensive grounding in Danish history and culture. Tree to its name, it has the biggest collection of Danish historical artifacts in the country. On Sundays during summer the ambience is enhanced by free chamber music concerts. The Nationalmuseet has dibs on virtually every antiquity found on Danish soils, whether it was unearthed by a farmer ploughing his fields or a government-sponsored archaeological dig.


Section 2 Chinese-English Translation(Translate the following passage into English.
  • 扶贫开发
    二十一世纪中国扶贫(poverty alleviation;poverty relief;aiding the poor)开发面临的难点和比较突出的问题是:第一,虽然贫困人13的收入水平明显提高,但目前中国扶贫的标准是低水平的。第二,由于受自然条件恶劣、社会保障系统(social insurance system)薄弱和自身综合能力差等因素的掣肘,目前已经解决温饱问题的贫困人口还存在很大的脆弱性,容易重新返回到贫困状态。第三,尽管扶贫开发已使广大农村贫困地区的贫穷落后状况明显改变,但贫困农户的基本生产生活条件还没有质的变化,贫困地区社会、经济、文化落后的状况还没有根本改观。第四,由于中国人口基数很大,在今后相当长的一个时期将面临就业压力,这必然会影响到贫困人口的就业,使很多本来能够奏效的扶贫措施难以发挥出应有的作用。第五,尚未解决温饱(have enough to eat and wear)的贫困人口一般都生活在自然条件恶劣、社会发展程度低和社会服务水平差的地区,这些地区投入与产出效益的反差较大。


